that housed the god-man/the true man
now subjugated/reduced to ashes
we've become the outskirts/barely making it in-land
our accomplishments stolen
robbed of its brown skin prints /given a new name
We were the children of Asis_Chukwu_Sango_
dancing to the tempo of spirit within us and all things
until categorized by the categorizers
with no attempt at understanding certain truths of existence
we became "pagan" which is just another
term for the reveries of nature who happens to be a she
chained and shipped we went from
god-man /to no-man/to his-man
We were the children of the rising sun
the breaking free from the constraints
of white hands on millenia of black traditions
we were the forerunners of the liberty promised us
only to discover /the hands that held the chains were merely switched
we are fists raised in the air/pens swinging
words coming out as slices /pricking at the brainwashed minds
that dare stifle our natural expressions
we've become a chosen exile /who unite and combine our strenghts
when we sing_dance and make love /when we say,"brother"_"sister"
wear afros and dashikis/braid our hair /speak our language
with its sweet intonations /and no it's not vernacular when it comes out ARTICULATED
_when we proudly display the god suffix in our names
read and write books on ancient kings_queens_pyramids
proper civilizations _ancestors_dieties_ the feminine principle
we become everything they don't want us to be
everything they say we aren't and more /in just being who we are
Be who you are solar beam---shine_shine_shine gods and goddesses
you originators_colorful_vibrant_ surviving expression of life itself
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