Omu Of Asaba: Have to Start with Granny. She may not be an ancient queen but she's definitely a modern one. Now to the ancients...

Queen Nefertiti: She was the wife of Akhenaton, the King credited with the concept of one God as practiced in most societies today. She resisted the cultural change emerging in kemet at the time that gave women lower status than men by openly performing religious rituals with her husband and appearing side by side with him to the fury of the dominant religious authorities.

Queen Nandi(1778-1826):
Mother of the of the great Shaka the Zulu, she overcame many obstacles including exile. Through it all she was able to raise one of Africa's most revered leaders and warriors.

Queen Tiye (1415-1340BC): The standard of beauty in the ancient world, this Queen held the title of Great Royal Wife to Amenhotep the III. After the end of her husband's reign, she governed Kemet for almost half a century with great efficiency.

Queen Amina (1588-1589):The leading warrior of Zaire, her military skills brought her immense wealth and power. She is widely known as "the woman capable as a man" because of her military skills.

Queen Nzingha (1582-1663): A military leader who waged war against the European invaders. Her struggle inspired other royal warriors Africa in the resistance against European invaders.
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