Afra is believed to have been the first ascended master from Africa. He lived 500,000years ago at a time when a great African civilization was at the bringe of destruction. Pure spiritual practices of that time were being polluted by black magic, voodoo and the likes. He came to save his people and to teach them the importance of being united for the intrusion of these negative practices were beginning to divide them. I believe that many of our African brothers and sisters have ascended. We just have to seek them out to find them. To read more about Afra please visit:
Again it is important to be open minded when reading this. Many of us who are from Christian or Muslim backgrounds have no problem believing in the existence of Adam and Eve. Some of us even take the bible literally. If we can do this, should it then be difficult for us to believe the story of Afra?
Additional note: In writing the above, I do not expect or necessarily encourage anyone to believe in an ascended master named Afra. Nor am I attempting to spread or preach a new religion or movement. The most important thing is the concept and what he represents, and not whether he existed or not. For me and many others he represents the existence of great African saints and mystics. These are the beings that spiritual minded people should seek (in my opinion) to assist them in the upliftment of the motherland.
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